Booking Meeting Rooms Using NexBoard


Last Update 2 years ago

NexBoard can be used to book the linked resource directly through the tablet or with a phone that has the Passport app installed.

If the availability color is green then the room is currently available. 

If it is red then it is not available.

To Book a Resource Using NexBoard on the tablet outside the room:

  1. Tap Request Booking.

  2. Select a start and end time for the booking.

3. Enter your email and password.

4. Tap Confirm Booking.

A confirmation message pops up on the screen to let you know your booking is placed.


To Book a Meeting Room Using NexBoard and the Passport App on your phone:

  1. Download the Passport App on your phone here >

  2. Open the Passport app on your phone.

  3. Log in to your account if you aren't already logged in on the app.

  4. Tap your phone next to the NexBoard display.

  5. Select a start and end time for the booking on the Passport app.

6. Tap Confirm Booking.

A confirmation message pops up on your phone's screen to let you know your booking has been placed.

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